Friday, September 25, 2009

Before and After Lamp

Picked up this lamp at a yard sale about a month ago. Before finding "blogland", I wouldn't have looked twice at it, but now I can look at things and see past what they are to what they can be. The shade had yellow gingham fabric that was easy to pull off, which I'd started to do when I took the before picture.



I'm thrilled with it...may need some trim, but for now it's good. Just need a light bulb :-)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Trash to Treasure?

I've recently started repurposing items...mainly because of all the great ideas I've gotten on the various blogs. Spray paint has become my craft drug of choice. I've done a few things, and while this isn't anything earth shattering, paint really does change the look of something. I picked up this mirror at the Salvation Army...kinda ugly, but the price was right for the mirror wall I'm trying to get started.

Here's the before...

and the after:

I did a little shabby treatment on it after this picture was taken, and it doesn't look half-bad.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The After Party

Yesterday, we continued to celebrate Michael's birthday with a Laser Tag Party. What fun! Even the parents had a blast! Some kids just never grow up :-) Being from this family, and not wanting the fun to come to an end, Michael wanted to know if we could have an "after party"...everyone back to our house. We had about 7 kids come back, plus 2 of my Mom friends. They played, ran around, begged to go to the creek, came back and consumed the rest of the remaining party food. We moms drank margaritas...nice.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My First Post

Wow! I have my own blog! Whoo hoo! I've just recently discovered blogs in the last 6 months and have become absolutely addicted to them. So many ladies out there with such amazing creativity and great ideas.

My blog name - The Eleven O'Clock Show...not in show biz or even a show, but a name my Dad gave to the second wind I would get around 11:00 pm....whether I was singing around the house, or starting to clean up my room. That was many years ago, but I still have "shows" when I get into a second wind and start straightening up or try to maintain some sort of order in this house.

Today is my son's 12th birthday. Twelve! Where has that time gone? I know all parents say the same thing, but! We spent the day getting some Spring chores done around the house, baking cupcakes for his party tomorrow, then off to his baseball game - they won and he was the closing pitcher - had a great game. Dinner at Benihana - first time there - he said it was the best birthday evah! :o)